Global Watch | What India and The World Can Learn From Two Years of Russia-Ukraine War – News18

Written By: Arun Anand
Last Updated: March 06, 2024, 11:33 IST
New Delhi, India
Rescuers push out a fire in houses after a missile strike in the village of Bogatyr, Donetsk region. (Image: AFP)
The ongoing Russia-Ukraine War completed two years in February 2024. This war has taught the world numerous lessons. While the situation is complex and evolving, some key takeaways can be distilled from the way this conflict has developed over the past two years. These lessons cover military, geopolitical, economic, and cyber domains, among others.

Lesson: The energy crisis precipitated by the conflict has underscored the vulnerability of over-reliance on a single source or type of energy.
Application for India/South Asia: It highlights the importance of diversifying energy sources, including investing in renewable energy, to reduce dependency on imports and enhance energy security.

Lesson: The conflict has demonstrated the significance of having a well-equipped, modern military, capable of both defence and deterrence.
Application for India/South Asia: Given regional security concerns, including border tensions and internal security challenges, the importance of investing in military modernisation, technology, and self-reliance in defence production is clear.

Lesson: The war has shown the complexities of international alliances and the risks of being drawn into conflicts due to treaty obligations or economic dependencies.
Application for India/South Asia: It reinforces the value of a strategic non-alignment or multi-alignment policy, maintaining diplomatic flexibility to navigate between major powers while protecting national interests.

Lesson: Cyber warfare has been a significant aspect of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, affecting not just military but also civilian infrastructure.
Application for India/South Asia: This underscores the need for robust cybersecurity measures to protect critical infrastructure, government networks, and private sector systems from cyber attacks.

Lesson: Sanctions and counter-sanctions have highlighted how geopolitical conflicts can impact global supply chains and economic stability.
Application for India/South Asia: There’s a lesson in enhancing economic resilience through self-reliance (Atmanirbhar Bharat), diversifying trade partnerships, and developing internal markets to mitigate external economic shocks.

Lesson: The war has showcased the power of information and narrative control, both domestically and internationally.
Application for India/South Asia: The importance of strategic communication, media literacy, and the ability to counter misinformation becomes evident, requiring investment in domestic information dissemination capabilities and international broadcasting.

Lesson: The displacement crisis caused by the war emphasises the need for readiness to handle large-scale humanitarian crises, including refugees and internally displaced persons.
Application for India/South Asia: Enhancing capacity for humanitarian response, both within national borders and in supporting neighbouring countries during crises, is crucial.

Lesson: The conflict illustrates how regional stability can be affected by external aggressions and the importance of a unified regional response.
Application for India/South Asia: Strengthening regional cooperation platforms like SAARC, BIMSTEC, and others for collective security, economic integration, and conflict resolution becomes increasingly important.
For South Asian countries, particularly India, the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine serves as a complex case study offering lessons across the spectrum of national security, energy policy, diplomacy, and crisis management. Adapting these lessons to their unique geopolitical and socio-economic contexts can help the nations navigate future challenges more effectively, ensuring their security, prosperity, and sovereignty in an increasingly uncertain world.
The writer is an author and columnist and has written several books. His X handle is @ArunAnandLive. Views expressed in the above piece are personal and solely that of the author. They do not necessarily reflect News18’s views.


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