Moscow Attack: Official Death Toll Is 140, But Nearly 100 People Are Still Missing – News18

Curated By: Rohit
Last Updated: March 28, 2024, 10:29 IST
Moscow, Russia
Members of the Russian Emergencies Ministry clear rubble at the Crocus City Hall concert venue after a deadly attack, outside Moscow, Russia. (Image: Reuters)
A total of 95 people are still missing after last week’s attack when gunmen sprayed concertgoers in Russia with automatic weapons and set the venue on fire.
Despite the official toll from the attack on Crocus City Hall in Moscow now standing at 140 dead and 182 wounded, the Baza news service said 95 more people appeared in lists compiled by the emergency services based on appeals from people about missing relatives.
“These lists include people with whom relatives have not been able to get in touch since the terrorist attack, but who are not on the lists of wounded and dead,” Baza said. “Some of these people died, but have not yet been identified.” Russian investigators said the attack was carried out by four shooters using Kalashnikov automatic weapons.
The shooting began shortly before the Soviet-era rock group “Picnic” was set to play to a full house of 6,200 people. Over 200 people could have been in the blazing building moments before the roof collapsed, Baza reported on Saturday, citing emergency service sources who reviewed surveillance footage. A report by Reuters said that Russian social media channels have been flooded in the days since the shooting with appeals to help find victims.
Gathering in a Telegram chat called “Crocus. Help Centre,” friends and relatives shared names of missing concertgoers and offered support. “Was there anyone on the list named Igor Valentinovich Klimenchenko?,” one user wrote on Saturday night. “Can someone send the list of victims?” The name Klimenchenko was not on the list of confirmed dead published by Russia’s emergencies ministry.
One more person wrote in the same chat that their uncle worked not far from Crocus and hadn’t been in touch since the attack. Local media in the Bryansk region, southwestern Russia, reported on Wednesday that a woman was still searching for her son, Dmitry Bashlykov, a schoolteacher in Moscow who went to the “Picnic” concert with a friend who managed to escape.
(With agency inputs)


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